Saturday, September 5, 2009


I have been having issues with my laptop lately, so my husband opened it up to try to fix it. (The screen was flickering to white with increasing frequency. He kindly pointed out that hitting it probably wasn't helping the situation, so he offered to check it out.) Evidently, as he was working on it today, he heard a pop and a tiny puff of smoke came out. Whether that was his fault or a random occurrence I don't know, but I do know that he was exhausted and I kept harassing him to finish it so I can't blame him either way. I know that can't be good, so I am less than optimistic that it will be fixed anytime soon. The odds of me being able to buy a new laptop in the near future are slim to none, so I won't be online as much. I will still update when I can! Please think good, healing thoughts for my laptop :-D

In other news, this month has been very slow so far in terms of Etsy sales. I am not sure why...possibly because I have been busy with work (I work full time at a nonprofit organization) and home obligations so I haven't been participating on the forums as much as usual. I would love some sales so I can add to my new laptop fund! Check out my store :-) I will be adding new items soon. Also, as you can probably see, I have Project Wonderful adspace up, feel free to bid on it! It is either free or very cheap.


  1. Aww, what a bummer about your laptop. I am sending warm healing thoughts your way!

  2. So sorry to hear about the sick laptop. I hope it gets better soon :)

  3. Me too, thanks for the good thoughts!!!

  4. I hope your lappy gets well soon, lol. Sales are a bit slow for me, too, but I am hoping that it will pick up soon! :)
